Testimonies of Nehemiah Ministry

My name is Sonia, I am a Pastor in New Brunswick Canada in the French area.  I have been following the Nehemiah Ministry group. I want to give God the Glory for Betty.  She carries the anointing of a prophet, and a teacher with a Shepherd's heart.  She is an encourager with words of wisdom and knowledge.  I want to share what her ministry has done for me.  It has pulled me through the storms of my life, separate the sea that tried to drown me and helped me face the giants.  This ministry has given me the mana from heaven and the faith to move the mountains again.  She has blessed me above my expectations.  ALL pastors should have a Betty Lockhart in their lives to continue the good work that God has called them to.  Betty, you amaze me with all the revelations that our Father God gives to you.  God bless you!  By Sonia Gaudreau


Betty Lockhart, I am unbelievable in "Awe" of what Jesus has released through you - Accurate, Accurate, Accurate!   By Gavriella Bat Adira

Betty, I enjoyed last night, your sermon touched my heart.  Your prayers touched my soul.  Thank you, I am praying for you to continue God's work.  I could not sleep for thinking about your prophetess "Thus saith The Lord"  Zeph. 3:17 God Bless.  By Barb Slayton

I love this ministry group and the most wonderful God filled brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus are in this group!!  In this group we are there for each other praying and standing and supporting each other there is not fussing or arguing or name calling it is a peaceful loving group it's such a miracle blessing to be a part of this anointed group,  Thank you Betty Lockhart for allowing me the privilege to be a part of this blessed ministry and for allowing me to continue to be humble servant to my Lord in this group!  By Wanda Knighten

Hello Ms. Betty Lockhart,  this dream interpretation truly does speak to my spirit.  As I read this, the Lord helped me understand even more.  I have tears of brief sadness for that which was stolen,  but more tears of thankfulness and gratefulness unto the Lord God.  And an expectancy for what he is restoring and working out!  Thank you for your prayerful help.  May God bless you abundantly for helping me in the name of Jesus Christ.  I specifically asked God to remove any obstacle that you might be facing right now.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way.  Thank you Lord God Almight!  All glory to Him.  In the awesome and powerful name of Jesus Christ!  Amen.Thank you so very much, by Joanie Standridge

Happy New Year Sister Betty, and thank you for sharing your blessings with us all you helped me through 2017 more than you will ever know I have a candle burning for you to say thank you.  By Ralph Steele

Just wanted to share what the Lord told me about an hour ago, I have a family member that went to the Emergency Room.  I was thinking about him and I felt a breeze and a cool feeling come over me, and the Lord said, Tell Betty Lockhart to say a prayer for him.  I thought, Okay and I did.  He's home now.  I do as I am told of the lord. I don't ask why, or what, I do as I am told, Amen.  By Nate Perez

My Hips have hurt for months and especially this week. Hard to walk and sleep.  I feel no pain right now.  Thank you Betty Lockhart for your bold obedience.  I am lining up for anything the Lord sends.  My body. My emotions. My heart. I want my Lord forever. By Frances Mullins 

Betty Thank you for praying for my Healing.  I want to give God the Glory! My Healing was really tested yesterday. By Deanna Mullen

Thank you Betty for the prayer for my foot last night!  It feels so much better this morning.  What a relief since its been hurting everyday for so long.  God is so great!  by Belinda Hayes Knipher

Sis Betty is beautiful Woman of God with Wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit.  By Linda Spencer

I would like to thank and honor Betty Lockhart for always being here for me whether it be through text or private message.  Thank you for always, even looonnnggg before I began battling health issues, for checking in on me to see how I was doing.  Thank you for listening to my problems or concerns without ever judging me.  You have loved me unconditionally and accepted me wherever I was in whatever season.  I thank you for your compassionate heart and for sharing and trusting me with things you may not have shared with others so I would not feel alone.  Thank you for ministering, teaching me, sharing your wisdom, speaking scripture and life over me and ALWAYS praying for me.  I love you and cherish you.  You are another rare gem, a gift from God.  I'm so blessed to have you in my life.  God is so good to us it's beyond our own understanding.  May God bless you and keep you in His hedge of protection always and forever till Eternity.  By Tracey Ruth-Ordona

Betty Lockhart is a wonderful woman of God.  In our many discussions she has given me many prophetic insights into various issues and dreams. In our converstaions I have found her to be intelligent and very informative.  She has been able to guide me into a deeper understanding of the gifts God has given to me.  Betty is a true prophetess who's ministry has a great impact on many people.  She is indeed a blessing. By Susie Hamilton

Thank you Betty Lockhart for the word that you spoke to me a few months back to me.  You said, that there was a "New Adventure Coming."  That has absolutely come to pass.  I am now doing a part-time business and it has been so much fun and amazing "ministry."  I am connecting with people that I wouldn't have before and the extra few dollars are a bonus. Blessings to you!!! By Patti Daub

Betty is righteous and a powerful woman of our mighty God.  Her spiritual gifts from our Heavenly Father is truly amazing.  I pray that the Lord continues to bless her and expand her ministry.  Betty is obedient and a willing servant of God who allows the Holy Spirit to use her mightily to glorify His powerful name.  By Kimi Kam

I would like to thank the Lord, for healing my knees, I fell down the attic stairs last year, and messed them up, and broke my ribs, Betty Lockhart, prayed for my knees last week, and I just thought about it today, I haven't had any pain since last week, it's so good not to have pain, just wanted to say, thanks Betty Lockhart, and thank you Lord!  By Nate Perez

Thank you Betty Lockhart!  I feel a closeness to you and you are a proven dear woman with a lot of power in Christ!! By Hannah Balca

Betty is a wonderful friend, I have called upon her many times for prayers and she has prayed everytime I have asked her to.  I can feel it when she is saying a prayer for whomever it is that I asked her to pray for. She is very spiritual lady and I am honored and blessed to call her my friend. Her words are truly inspiring to me.  God's love definitely shines through her.  By Shannon Drosselmeyer

Sis Betty is a beautiful Woman of God with Wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit.  By Linda Spencer

I attended a workshop for Domestic Violence a few years ago at "Keepers Of The Flame Church."  My wonderful friend, Betty Lockhart taught the workshop.  It was called "Into the Light".  It was a very educational class.  It equipped me to help others who are in abusive relationships.  This class helped me with some things in my own life as well.  Betty creates a wonderful atmosphere with her down to earth personality.  She is very easy to talk to and she's trustworthy.  I really enjoyed taking the workshop.  I highly recommend it.  By Tracey Ruth - Ordona

Since I got added to this group, my spiritual life has been exploding.  I discovered that God called me to be a seer, one prophecy came true, even. I'm starting to "see' better.  I am starting to sense a black vail or mist over unbelievers.  I can feel their pain, anguish, dispair, suffering, and hopelessness. By David Hauke

I would like to thank the Lord for putting Betty Lockhart (Nehemiah Ministry) in my life, no only has she touched my heart with her love and compassion, she is faithful in prayer.  She represents in every area the fruit of the Holy Spirit:  Love-Joy-Peace-longersuffering-kindness-goodness-faithfulness-gentleness-self-control.  She set before us an example to follow in Christ Jesus, she is truly amazing:  She moves in the gifts of the Holy Spirit,  she is a true prophetess of the Most High God, Jehovah!  I am very honored and humbled to call her my sister in Christ, and to have her as a friend.  By Merry Murphy

Wow, Betty Lockhart is a true prophetess sent by God.  She prophesied to me a few weeks and things she said are coming to pass.  Also she prophesied to my friend recently saying money was coming, she saw an envelope.  It just came today.  So many blessings and God has sent his seasoned prophets into my life, I am truly blessed.  I have had a few people give me prophecies and they all line up, as in the themes are very consistent.  A friend contacted me again recently she was a prophetess in three churches and spoke in large crowds.  A few years ago I was told by a prophet that he saw a new place of livng and my husband getting another job.  The third part of the prophecy didn't come to fruition yet.  But within a year my husband got a better job and we moved to Virginia,  By Monet Licht

Betty Lockhart is a precious friend and minister of the love and grace of God.  She has a gift of hospitality and hosting the Holy Spirit.  The first time I ever met Betty was during a ministry meeting at her home.  When I walked in you could literally feel the tangible presence of God saturating the entire house.  She is a mighty woman of God with a strong prophetic anointing and sensitivity to the Spirit.  She paints powerful prophetic art.  She has gien me several words on her Facebook Ministry group that greatly encouraged my heart as well as one on one ministry that was powerful, anointed and right on target.  Betty is a blessing and a Mighty Woman of God.  By Meg Ferguson

Betty Lockhart is a wonderful woman of God.  A righteous and powerful woman of God.  She is always there for you, if you need her.  There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit calls her his friend.  She has allowed me to post on her facebook group and being very open to let others operate in the spirit...She is a mighty prayer warrior and prophetess.  Yesterday she gave me a word from God and it was spot-on.  She lives in the Spirit and in Truth. By Robert O'connell

Betty Lockhart has prophesied to me for a while now and she is spot on.  She has also prayed for difficult situations in my life that I shared with her and God answered those prayers and HE game me a great peace.  Betty is a strong woman of GOD who walks in the gifts that GOD has given her.  By Marylou R. Gilleland

I wanted to thank you for praying for my blood pressure.  Just has my annual physical and it was down to 120/84.  Praise God.  Thankful for your gifting. By Jeanne Ryan

Betty, I've been waiting to write you to make sure that it's gone and my heartburn is gone, feeling so much better.  Thank you Jesus for Sister Betty and your healing power, keep callng those sickness out, Amen.  By Mike Updike

Betty Lockhart, The lady you prayed for her daughter, regarding the brain aneurysm...GONE!!!!!! Doctors could not find today!  By Pastor Ryan Miller

Testimonies from preaching and ministering at Maple Grove Church Oct 8th, 2017.  Christy Miller has severe back pain that left after prayer and has not returned after almost three hours in the car.  One of our senior members stated, seperately, that Betty Lockhart gave words that she could not has known.  One said he did tell people the stuff she knew about, and the other stated her word gave her additional hope.  A third person stated that the word she received gave her peace.  It was a holy atmosphere this morning.  By Pastor Ryan Miller

Betty Lockhart everytime I read Romans 12:6, I thank God for sending you this Gift.  Your Love is pure.  By Amy Jo Canfield

Betty Lockhart is one of those people who examplify the characteristic of a true heart for the sons and daughters of the faith, for healing, the poor, the broken and the bruised.  She is a minister, a seer, prophet, one who moves in the prophetic, the gift of faith and disciple of Christ. She is humble, mixed with his passion to lift up the name of Christ is not only notable, but extraordinary.  Betty Lockhart is a, capable, dedicated and personable woman.  She is a woman of intergrity, honesty and very responsible.  I have developed a great respect for her character. I have had the privilege of observing her ministry.  Her message along with the prophetic words, word of knowledge is accurate and affirmed. Betty strives to promote harmony, support and leadership.  She always goes the extra mile and can be counted on. She prays and counsels effectively for others.  People's lives are impacted under the anointing of the Holy Spirit with power that flows through her as he imparts the Word of God.  I have been personally ministered to in her leadership role in her group "The Nehemiah Ministry Prayer and Prophecy Room" as well as other groups.  She is a valuable asset to the Kingdom of God.  By Dr. Reverend Sandra Moses

Hi Betty, Thank you so much for blessing us! You are very powerful in the way that you minister. I was up this am studying "lifegiver."  We listened to the recording to review what you said.  I realized I was taking short breaths like a woman does when she is giving BIRTH. I believe I was birthing wealth.  I also believe you were restoring my health that the curses affected.  By Dennis

Betty, I want to thank you again for what you released over me.  Physically I feel great.  Something has definitely been healed.  I was taking diferent vitamins and suppliments to keep my health up.  I think God told me to stop taking everything and I feel stronger/younger.  Went to a store Sunday and immediately began to minister to her very powerfully.  Something was different.  It was very clear what I was to say to her.  I feel underlining life in the Bible will release something for me.  Its my obedience like when Namen dipped 7 times.  Praise the Lord.  By Dennis (Lifegiver)

Thank you, Betty Lockhart, your message was so timely for me and there were so many right on words and confirmations throughout the night.  Trusting God to continue to put all the revelation pieces together for me.  Pryaing God will continure to work HIS purposes mightily through your ministry. Love you Sweet Sister! By Tammy Ryder 

These meetings are a true "Blessing" from God. You can feel HIS Presence, and Miss Betty's home is so inviting. You can tell who is first in her life!!!  Praise Thee Lord!! By Judith Chalmers Davidson


As my friend Betty Lockhart likes to say, there is POWER in a testimony.  I went to the meeting Saturday night at Cornerstone in Broadway and the Sunday service the next day at Columbia Furnace Church of the Brethren with Kenin Riordan and his ministry team and WOW!  God so moved in our midst!  Many impartations were released, fire of God, healing, boldness.  I don't know what all else.  Kevin specifically prayed for me for boldness and Betty Lockhart releaded the fire over me on Saturday night.  Well...God is so awesome!  By Meg Ferguson


Betty, I wanted to reach out and let you know that you have been on my mind.  I know it's been YEARS since we've seen each other last, if no when I was still a teenager.  Mom and I were just talking about how much you meant to us and how much of a difference you made in my life when you worked with us girls on Wednesday nights, etc.  You were always so loving and patient with all of us.  I have great memories of spending time with you, and ou planning and doing thngs with us girls.  I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reach out to you.  You have alwasy stayed in my heart Betty.  I hope you are doing well.  Love you and God bless!  Myra Moznich.


Dear Betty,  I want to thank you for your immediate response to my histeria.  I was so afraid that my nightmare was a premonition.  Usually I am only curious about my dreams and visions, but this one would have changed my entire life.  I am so thankful for you responding so quickly.  I slept peacefully during the night.  I thank God and my sister for placing you in my life.  I am blessed because of you.  Love Barb


Betty Lockhart, you have prayed for me countless times, and it didn't matter if you were busy, you always took the time for me, you also have helped me through some dark hours.  Your such a sweet lady!  Thank you, Nate Perez