"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3:20)
Are you asking BIG of GOD?
Do you need a RIGHT NOW MIRACLE?
Do you need a RIGHT NOW HEALING?
Do you need something from God, Right Away?
Do you need something from God, Right About NOW?
ASK BIG! GRANDE! Yes, ask God for the Bigger things. We serve a BIG God.
Ask BIG! Ask BIG and He is will give you bigger.
It's time to take God out of the box. It's time to stretch out. It's time for some "God" confidence. The enemy would love to convince you to only pray little prayers and believe for small things. Don’t fall into that trap. Our God is an all-powerful, awesome God. He is not offended when you ask for BIG things. He doesn’t say who do you think you are? Don’t you know there are a lot of people, that need my help more than you? It’s just the opposite. That BOLD prayer gets his attention. That’s your faith being released. That is when he will pour out blessings you cannot contain. He will open doors bigger than you’ve ever imagined, and yes, it’s good to ask for our needs, but are you asking for your dreams? Are you praying any bold audacious – out of the box prayers?
Are you asking BIG?
Are you knock, knock, knocking on heavens doors!
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7).
Ask and you shall receive BIG.
I heard the spirit of the Lord say, the people around you thought that they were the ones that were going to bless and open doors for you. But God is saying, I am getting ready to "show you off!" I am going to set a table before you in the presence of your enemies and frienemies. God is going to make your enemies watch you get blessed!
God is using man to "set you up." God is getting ready to make some people mad. God is going to upset some folks. God is getting ready to SET YOU UP!
God is getting ready to SHOW YOU OFF!
There's going to be a spring in your step.
He is going to place you in a new season. Why? because you have asked BIG! When God gets ready to bless you BIG and open doors for you, and when God gets ready to make a way for you. No man can stop it. No man can come against what God has for you. No man can forfeit what God has in store for you. It's your "Grande" season. You are entering a season of the Spirit and not the flesh. It's not by might nor by power, it is by the Spirit of the Lord.
Your boss may deny you the promotion, but promotion doesn't come from the north or the south, but promotion come from God. God is going to wait until the doctors give up. God is going to wait until to the loan officer rejects the loan. You may get rejected! But I've got a word for you. That's the time God is going to begin to move in your life. The stone that the builders reject, God has a way of making them a Chief Corner Stone!
That's the kind of God we serve.
If man is rejecting you and man is saying, NO. Don't get discouraged, because of how dark it may be.
Nothing can stop your blessing!!
"You made men travel over our heads. We went through fire and through water. But You brought us out into a place where we have much more than we need.” (Psalm 66:12)
Man is setting you up. God is using man to set you up. Sometimes people have to say, NO! Because God wants to bless you BIG and he doesn't want man to have nothing to do with it. He is going to step in your life to prove to you that he is able to do exceeding abundantly more than man can ever ask or think!
What God is about to do in your life is Bigger than you think.
Are you ready for that kind of blessing?
Are you ready for a Grande blessing?
Are you ready for that?
Get ready!
We serve a God who is able to bless you BIG, GRANDE! The God we serve is able to supply all your needs according to HIS riches and Glory by Christ Jesus. He is able to do it!
"Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it, and it will be your" (Mark 11:24)
My prayer for you is: Do it Lord, Do it!