No Money! No Problem!
Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isaiah 55:1
You are walking into a new year.
You are walking into the things that money cannot buy.
You are walking in Kingdom.
Kingdom is without money and without price.
Your healing is at no cost.
Your Miracle is free.
Everything in the Kingdom of God is at no cost to you.
You are walking into a new year where God is challenging your faith to BUY WITHOUT MONEY!
As you begin to move in fearless faith, you will begin to draw forth that which you want to be, that which you want to do and that which you want to have. I am hearing the Spirit of the Lord say, there is no truth in lack and limitation. There is only divine source in ME and as you begin to navigate in this divine truth, I will open doors for you that will allow you to buy without money. I see that you are about to turn a shiny golden doorknob.
This means a golden opportunity for you in 2022!
I declare and decree that you are walking into the NEW!
You are going to receive the Miracle that you need that money cannot buy.